Penetron® Admix is the only concrete admixture in the world that contains a non-toxic tracing agent which is only visible if the product is dosed according to manufacturer’s specifications which is a minimum of 0,8% by weight of total binder content.

The unique Penetron® tracing agent is non-toxic, compatible with all concrete formwork, admixtures and extenders and will not discolor the finished concrete product. The tracer is dissolved from the concrete surface by UV exposure but will remain protected inside the concrete for the lifespan of the structure.

For more information on the unique non-toxic tracer verification process, please consult Penetron® Africa Engineering Support.

All Penetron® products are NSF certified with an international 5-star Green rating and is approved for use in potable water, food storage and food delivery systems. Penetron® products are registered with Green Label globally and through partnerships with Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) and the U.S. Green Building Council, Penetron® is committed to using a high percentage of recycled components to minimize the environmental impact of the Penetron® products.

Luminescent green bleed water on concrete surface.                                 Luminescent green tinge from cement-paste solution.

                               Penetron® Admix is the only concrete admixture in the world that contains a non-toxic tracing agent

#PenetronPerformance. It’s in the mix.

Durable. Trusted. PENETRON

Penetron Engineering Support Team

010 109 2987 –